So last weekend (April 23 & 24) we were in Akron for Adventures in Stamping. It was a great weekend. Lots of friends stopped by to say hi, including some old TAC Angels who were having a get together on Sunday evening. I couldn't go cuz #1 I was tired, #2 it was after a show and we had helpers that needed to get home and #3 I was tired. :O) But it was good to talk with Yuki and Angi, and see Monica, Brenda and Rita.

Here is our booth set up. A photo bomb by George. Hey, he's an important part of our set up and relief, so getting him in the picture was great!!
Our Home away from Home!
Remember to shop small,
Our last coloring day was March 26. We had a great time and Annette let us pick a picture from her coloring books by Pamela Smart. If you go to Amazon she's listed under her name, PJC or Color Me Your Way. I would love to have all these books for myself, I would NEVER get them all done. Annette doesn't like to do people so she gave this one to me. I LOVE it!! She is now framed and hanging in the store by the coloring books.
We always share hints and helps to questions you may have and it's a great time. Our next Cookies and Color is April 23!! You must sign up so we can guarantee you a spot. Cookies and pages are supplied, but be sure to bring your favorite coloring utensils.
Be sure to shop small.
Til next time,