Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Showing off the new stuff!!

A customer brought these in today to show off.  Aren't they great?  She used some of the new 3D's and Toppers from England and Holland.  My favorite was the spring bird right in front.  The 3D is great, but the pyramid is the best!!
It's been a long couple of weeks.  I'm walking without any assistance, but using the cane sometimes for balance.  PT has started and it's a pain, but I want to walk without pain, so it has to be done!
See you soon,

Friday, June 5, 2015

Where have I been??

You may have been asking, "where is Cheryl?". 
Well, I had surgery on May 26th for a knee cap replacement.  I'm home recovering, but will be in the store next week!!
I start PT on Monday at Beaumont/Troy for 4-6 weeks.  I'm on crutches (I prefer them over a walker), but I think I will be moving up to a cane shortly.
This is the 3rd knee surgery I've had and it has also been the mildest.  I can honestly say it was worth it!!
I will be in the store Saturday (tomorrow), so if you'd like to stop by and say "Hi", I'll be glad to entertain you for a few minutes.  I can't stand too long, but we can sit and chat.
Have a great night!!