Friday, June 5, 2015

Where have I been??

You may have been asking, "where is Cheryl?". 
Well, I had surgery on May 26th for a knee cap replacement.  I'm home recovering, but will be in the store next week!!
I start PT on Monday at Beaumont/Troy for 4-6 weeks.  I'm on crutches (I prefer them over a walker), but I think I will be moving up to a cane shortly.
This is the 3rd knee surgery I've had and it has also been the mildest.  I can honestly say it was worth it!!
I will be in the store Saturday (tomorrow), so if you'd like to stop by and say "Hi", I'll be glad to entertain you for a few minutes.  I can't stand too long, but we can sit and chat.
Have a great night!!

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