Tuesday, February 21, 2017

We've come a long way Groovi baby!

I started Groovi last July and I've learned a lot.  A lot about people, parchment and personalities.  I've learned that here in the states it's much different than in the UK. I've learned to be patient with my learning and not learning.  YES, the people in the UK are so much more advanced in Parchment Craft than we are, that is for sure.  BUT I think we do an okay job!!  My classes have grown from one class a month to three classes a month and starting in April we just may need a fourth!  We are all having fun and if you haven't tried Groovi yet, you are missing out.  I hope you enjoyed the videos Laura and I did for you and they have helped you see the Groovi scene.  Take a leap of faith and creativity.  It's easy and relaxing.
Til next time,

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