Friday, December 6, 2019

Craft Shows

Well, I decided to venture out into the craft show life again.  It's been over 12 years since I did a "craft" show.  It was a way of life when my kids were little.  I was a stay at home mom and earned enough money doing crafts to buy the kids a wonderful Christmas.

This year I just needed to have that feeling again of "artist" exuberance when someone buys a piece that I've made and takes a part of "me" home with them.

The first show didn't go so good.  There was construction and geez  did it ever hinder people from coming to the school.  I signed up for next year again, just because I never pooh a show after one time unless I know for sure it will continue to be a bad show.  This is usually a good show, so I'm giving it another chance.

Tomorrow is the second one for the year.  It's about an hour and a half away so I got a hotel for the night because they don't have Friday night set up.  I'll have to get up way to early for my nature to get everything ready and I don't want all that driving time so early in the morning.  It is usually a good show for crafters.  NO VENDORS allowed.  That is a good sign!!

Next weekend is my third and last show of the year.  It's always been a good show.  I did it many, many years ago.  Let's see if I still feel the same next Sunday when everything is over and done.

Now my rant:  I'm a member of some crafting groups online.  I absolutely HATE when someone asks, "I just signed up for my first craft show....what is selling?"  Honey, if you don't already have a craft you should never have signed up for a craft show.  Second...if it is selling for me...why would I tell you?  Craft shows are friendly, but not when you ask how something is done, or say "I can make that myself".  It's RUDE!!  So maybe you can...will you?  But it's a dog eat dog world and I'm not going to answer any of those stupid questions.

Yes, the store is still keeping me busy.  No I haven't let craft shows take over my love for my business.  Jeffrey worries when I get a new idea, that I will let the store falter.  Nope, just doing this for fun and some fun money.

I continue to ask everyone to shop small and support small business.
Til next time,

Friday, August 30, 2019


It's been quite a summer.  As it comes to a close, only 4 more conventions to go.... Fort Wayne, Madison, Sevierville and Southfield....all in October!!
We've been doing the napkin technique with the Sticky Specks and covering boxes, etc.  LOVING those micromini dots!!  I've found a new passion.
I've decided to do a craft show with all the napkin and decopage technique.  Still a ways to go, but I'm getting there.

Here's just one of my items:

Remember to shop small.
till next time,

Saturday, June 8, 2019

It's a Sticky Situation!!

NEW: Sticky Specks
Micro dots that are good for everything from crafting to household applications!
You get 4 sheets - 8.3x11.7 inches with thousand of sticky dots

GREAT for all your intricate die cuts!!

Remember to shop local, shop small!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

El is Awesome

All you need is two parents that are math teachers to figure this one out.
Elliot is 4 weeks here.  He was baptized this past weekend (at 5 weeks).
Time is going fast.
Till next time,
PS - Shop Small.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

We are Blessed!!

What a great start to a new year.  We have been blessed with sunshine and a rainbow.

I heard the term "rainbow baby" just a month ago.  It's a baby that has been born after the death/miscarriage, etc. of a sibling.  We rejoice in the birth of our newest grandson, Elliot Russell, born January 5 at 3:54 am.  Twenty inches long weighing in at 7 1/2 pounds.  He is beautiful!

We now have three handsome, beautiful grand boys in our lives.  Drew will be 14 this year. OMGoodness where does the time go?  Jalen will be 8.

Follow along with me as the baby grows.  I will have him a couple days a week after Cort goes back to work.  I'm so excited to spend time with him and he get to know me.

Love to all and a happy new year with blessings to everyone,
PS-shop small!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy 2019!!

Oh boy, it's been a while, but with so much going on it's hard to report frequently.

We have a grandbaby coming on Friday.  Cort is being induced and will come home with a sweet package.  We don't know the gender.  It's still a secret!  The next time I report it will be a year old. LOL  No, I will try better.

AVC-American Vellum Craft is doing very well.  I wish I could afford more advertising, but I'm not even sure where to advertise any more.  Just Cards magazine has stopped publishing, along with all the other magazines that I used and loved.  I guess it's time to start a new tactic.

My work for the next couple of weeks will be wedding invites and shower invites.  Cort's little sister is getting married and I'm doing them as my gift.  I'm excited to do them.

Here's wishing you all a happy new year and blessings every day.
Till next time,

PS - remember to shop small!!