Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy 2019!!

Oh boy, it's been a while, but with so much going on it's hard to report frequently.

We have a grandbaby coming on Friday.  Cort is being induced and will come home with a sweet package.  We don't know the gender.  It's still a secret!  The next time I report it will be a year old. LOL  No, I will try better.

AVC-American Vellum Craft is doing very well.  I wish I could afford more advertising, but I'm not even sure where to advertise any more.  Just Cards magazine has stopped publishing, along with all the other magazines that I used and loved.  I guess it's time to start a new tactic.

My work for the next couple of weeks will be wedding invites and shower invites.  Cort's little sister is getting married and I'm doing them as my gift.  I'm excited to do them.

Here's wishing you all a happy new year and blessings every day.
Till next time,

PS - remember to shop small!!

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