Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How was your day?

Today was a "snow" day.  When it snows everybody stays in...well almost everybody.  One of my long time customers came in on her way to get her hair done.  It was a nice, but short, visit.  Then my sister stopped by for a couple of hours. The best part of my day was the UPS man bringing two large packages!  More Inka Gold.  Only 6 weeks between the Indy show and Akron, so I will need to keep busy fillin' those jars!

It's Spring Up for daylight savings time this Saturday night.  Don't forget to set your clocks!!
Laurie has a great class this weekend.  Shadowing/Ghosting.  Sign up soon!!
Have a great night.
Shop Local, Shop Small!

1 comment:

Irene said...

Beautiful! Can't go wrong with butterflies!!