Friday, October 28, 2022

God Answers Prayer

 Hi All,

It's been a hectic 3 weeks.  Jeff fell at the York, PA convention and ruptured his bladder.  He had emergency surgery and a week long stay.  It was especially hard because we were 10 hours from home and alone.

He was released on the 14th and we got home on the 15th.  Doctor appointments were crazy.  On the 21st he had his JP drain removed.... that night we were in emergency.  He was having some really sharp pains.  They admitted him and ran tests.  He had a staph infection.  He was released on the 25th.  So home again for the night.  He has had a catheter this whole time so that his bladder could heal.

Wednesday morning he got the cath removed and ahhhh, we thought we could relax.  BUT NOoooo.  His bladder did not cooperate and he never released any at 6 pm we are back at the ER.  That trip was a very long story, but when they finally seen him they drained 1500 ml from his bladder.  I am so thankful it did not burst.  They sent him home with a new catheter and here we are.  He should get the cath out next week and we pray everything will be okay.

We missed the Sevierville, TN convention.  It's one of our favorites, but ya know... life happens.  Jeff has been diagnosed with RP (look that one up) and is legally blind.  I do all the driving now, unless someone is with us on the road and they share the task with me.  He has had one lesson with a white cane and used it today when we went grocery shopping.  He still has direct vision, but a low, 18% vision field.  The normal person has 180 degree peripheral field.  And so this is how it all started.  He didn't see some crates while we were packing up in York and he tripped over them and fell onto a crate and ruptured his bladder.

So many prayers have been sent and answered.  I want to thank everyone for taking the time to remember us and sending love.

So the convention season is over for now.  We are playing catch up and I'm doing 4 craft shows in the next 2 months.  Life is always busy, just the way we like it.

So till next time,
