Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Expanding Online

Sometimes it takes a kick in the butt to do something new, right?

Well, someone complained about my online store (I won't go into the details), so I started checking out prices of expanding it, getting an ecommerce site, etc.  MAN they are expensive for a small retail store.  I wasn't sure how I would swing it.  BUT Jeff had suggested looking into SquareUp's site.  I didn't even know they had one.  We use them for credit card processing at the store and on the road, but a online store??  Yep, they have one and I'm lovin' it!!

I'm in the process of putting ALL the Groovi products onsite.  It's quite a job and I'm about half way through.  It gives so many options my current store doesn't.  Well I shouldn't say current cuz I've already unplugged the one on my website and linked it to the new store!!

Hope you will check it out:

Let me know if you'd like to see something else we carry on the site.
Till Next Time:

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